Best of Superman: the Superman special at CCXP COLOGNE!

Fans and experts of the comic scene agree: both Marvel and DC have created mighty and epic heroes who we can safely trust in case of an apocalypse. Superman is one of the great ones in the comic universe and has the highest recognition value in the world. Maybe because he is more than just another superhero to many people. To fans, he is a “symbol of hope”.
The creators of Superman
In the 1930s, author Jerry Siegel and illustrator Joe Shuster brought Superman to life. Since then, he has been flying around our world saving us from doom every day. That is exactly why we celebrated this hero, who celebrated his 80th anniversary last year, at CCXP COLOGNE with you! That's why we celebrated this Superhero, who celebrated his 80th anniversary last year, together with you at CCXP COLOGNE. And how could we have done better than to take a look at his exciting past? We immersed ourselves in Superman's world with you and experienced his adventures from the very beginning.
A legend’s journey through time
In a journey through time, we saw that, even after decades, Superman still has the power to captivate us. At CCXP COLOGNE 2019, you had the chance to experience Superman’s very first adventures up to today’s battles, in which he even stands up to Batman, the Dark Knight. Today, Superman is still battling enemies and will do so in the future, because he has vowed never to give up the battle against evil until dignity, honor and justice dominate earth. As long as he has to keep up the fight, we will be able to enjoy his adventures!
Superman up close – his story, insider knowledge and many extras!
Superman, whose parents once sent him to earth, lives among us ordinary humans under his alias “Clark Kent”. But how has the hero developed in the course of decades? Which opponents has he already defeated? Receive answers to your questions and get many insider facts that even long-time fans don’t know about the hero with laser eyes in our Superman special.
Our exciting journey through time at CCXP COLOGNE starts in 1938. Witness the superheroes first on-screen appearances and discover an exclusive Superman universe you have never seen before! Meet Superman’s loyal companions, like Allie or Lois Lane, as well as his enemies, like Lex Luthor or General Zod. Even they can’t keep Superman from fulfilling his mission and fighting for justice. Nothing and nobody can! As long as he stays away from kryptonite…
CCXP COLOGNE offers a Superman experience that goes far beyond reading comics and watching movies. An extraordinary world awaits to be experienced and enjoyed with all your senses! With our Superman special, you can live your individual superhero dream. And who knows – maybe you will go back home with newfound superhero powers.
As Superman himself once said: “Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us into something better.”